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Е1-5 набор мер сопротивления образцовых предназначен для хранения и передачи размера единиц сопротивления, а также для поверки рабочих средств измерения активного сопротивления на частоте 1 МГц.

Номинальные значения сопротивления мер набора - 1 Ом; 10 Ом; 100 Ом; 1 кОм; 10 кОм.

Тангенс угла фазового сдвига меры - 0,001 (1 МГц).

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Р491 10 МОм катушка сопротивления высоковольтная предназначена для применения в качестве меры электрического сопротивления.

Класс точности - 0,05.

Номинальное сопротивление - 10 МОм.

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Р492 100 МОм катушка сопротивления высоковольтная предназначена для применения в качестве меры электрического сопротивления.

Класс точности - 0,05.

Номинальное сопротивление - 100 МОм.

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Р494 100 МОм катушка сопротивления высоковольтная предназначена для применения в качестве меры электрического сопротивления.

Класс точности - 0,1.

Номинальное сопротивление - 100 МОм.

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Р494 200 МОм катушка сопротивления высоковольтная предназначена для применения в качестве меры электрического сопротивления.

Класс точности - 0,1.

Номинальное сопротивление - 200 МОм.

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Р494 3 МОм катушка сопротивления высоковольтная предназначена для применения в качестве меры электрического сопротивления.

Класс точности - 0,1.

Номинальное сопротивление - 3 МОм.

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Р494 50 МОм катушка сопротивления высоковольтная предназначена для применения в качестве меры электрического сопротивления.

Класс точности - 0,1.

Номинальное сопротивление - 50 МОм.

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Р494 75 МОм катушка сопротивления высоковольтная предназначена для применения в качестве меры электрического сопротивления.

Класс точности - 0,1.

Номинальное сопротивление - 75 МОм.

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КМС-4 магазин сопротивлений рычажный предназначен для включения в различные электрические схемы постоянного тока в тех случаях, когда в их цепи требуется сопротивление вполне определённого значения.

Значение сопротивления в пределах - от 1 Ом до 9999 Ом.

Дискретность установки сопротивления - 1 Ом.

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КМС-6 магазин сопротивлений рычажный предназначен для включения в различные электрические схемы постоянного тока в тех случаях, когда в их цепи требуется ввести сопротивление вполне определенного значения.

Точность подгонки отдельных сопротивлений:

- декады×0,1 Ом - ±1,5%;

- декады×1 Ом - ±0,5%;

- декады×10 Ом, декады×100 Ом, декады×1000 Ом - ±0,2%;

- декады×10 000 Ом - ±0,1%.

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МКМС-55 магазин сопротивлений измерительный шестидекадный предназначенный для включений в электроцепь постоянного тока определенной величины сопротивлений.

Диапазон сопротивлений - от 0,01 Ом до 10 кОм.

Класс точности - 0,1.

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МС-01 мера предназначена для использования в качестве эталонов сопротивлений в метрологических и испытательных подразделениях различных отраслей промышленности.

Номинальное значение сопротивления - 0,01 Ом.

Допускаемый ток - не более 50 А.

Частотный диапазон - от 0 до 10 кГц.

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МС-1 мера сопротивления переменного тока предназначена для использования в качестве эталонов сопротивлений в метрологических и испытательных подразделениях различных отраслей промышленности.

Номинальное значение сопротивления - 1 Ом.

Допускаемый ток - не более 2 А.

Частотный диапазон - от 0 до 10 кГц.

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МС-1/1 мера предназначена для использования в качестве эталонов сопротивлений в метрологических и испытательных подразделениях различных отраслей промышленности.

Номинальное значение сопротивления - 1 Ом.

Измерения токов - не более 2,2 А.

Частотный диапазон - от 0 до 10 кГц.

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МС-10 мера сопротивления переменного тока предназначена для использования в качестве эталонов сопротивлений в метрологических и испытательных подразделениях различных отраслей промышленности.

Номинальное значение сопротивления - 10 Ом.

Допускаемый ток - не более 220 мА.

Частотный диапазон - от 0 до 10 кГц.

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МС-10/1 мера предназначена для использования в качестве эталонов сопротивлений в метрологических и испытательных подразделениях различных отраслей промышленности.

Номинальное значение сопротивления - 10 Ом.

Измерения токов - не более 220 мА.

Частотный диапазон - от 0 до 10 кГц.

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МС-100 мера предназначена для использования в качестве эталонов сопротивлений в метрологических и испытательных подразделениях различных отраслей промышленности.

Номинальное значение сопротивления - 100 Ом.

Допускаемый ток - не более 22 мА.

Частотный диапазон - от 0 до 10 кГц.

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МС-100/1 мера предназначена для использования в качестве эталонов сопротивлений в метрологических и испытательных подразделениях различных отраслей промышленности.

Номинальное значение сопротивления - 100 Ом.

Измерения токов - не более 22 мА.

Частотный диапазон - от 0 до 10 кГц.

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МС3005 мера электрического сопротивления однозначная предназначена для работы в качестве рабочих и образцовых мер электрического сопротивления в цепях постоянного тока.

Класс точности - 0,0005.

Номинальное значение сопротивления - 1 Ом; 10 Ом; 100 Ом.

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МС3006 мера электрического сопротивления однозначная предназначена для работы в качестве рабочих и образцовых мер электрического сопротивления в цепях постоянного тока.

Класс точности - 0,001.

Номинальное значение сопротивления - 1 кОм, 10 кОм.

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МСВ-47 магазин сопротивлений высокоомный представляет собой переносный лабораторный прибор, предназначенный для включения в схемы постоянного тока в тех случаях, когда требуются определённые сопротивления большой величины.

Пределы сопротивления ступенями через 0,1 МОм - от 0,1 МОм до 1 МОм.

Наибольшая погрешность - не более 0,1% от величины сопротивления.

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МСР-47 магазин сопротивлений рычажный переносной лабораторный предназначен для включения в разные электрические схемы постоянного тока, где требуются отдельные сопротивления или ряд их величиной от 0,1 Ом до 10 000 Ом ступенями через 0,1 Ом.

Наибольшая погрешность измерения при нормальной температуре от величины сопротивления набранного на магазине - не более ±0,1%.

Величина нулевого сопротивления - не более 0,03 Ом.

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Resistance box MSR-60 (MSR60, MSP 60, mcp-60, mcp60, mcp 60)

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Resistance box MSR-60M (MSR60M, MSR 60 M, MSR-60-M, MSR 60M)
Class of accuracy - 0.02;
Resistance Range - 0.01 ohm-10 ohm.
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Resistance box MSR-63 (MSR63, MSR 63, mcp-63, mcp63, mcp 63)
Designed to work in DC as a measure of electrical resistance;
The device has a resistance value from 0.035 ohms to 111,111.1 ohms steps in 0.01 ohms;
Basic error (at 20 º C ± 2 º C) - does not exceed ± (0,05 +0,02 m / R)%, where m - number of decades the store, R - value included the resistance, Ohm;
Rated power level of 1 ohm and above is 0.1 W, max power - 0.5 Watts.
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НТН2 магазин сопротивления предназначен для нагрузки трансформаторов напряжения (однофазных и трехфазных) при поверке их на дифференциально-нулевых аппаратах в цепях переменного тока частотой 50 Гц.

Номинальное вторичное напряжение - 100 В; 3 В.

Погрешность активных и реактивных составляющих сопротивления - ±4%.

Номинальный коэффициент мощности - 0,8.

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R3026 measure of the electrical resistance multi-valued intended for use as a control measure resistance in DC circuits.

Class of accuracy:

- R3026-1 - 0,002;

- R3026-2 - 0,005.

Adjustable resistance - from 0.01 Ohm to 111111.1 Ohm.

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Multivalued electrical DC resistance standard R3026/1 (R 3026/1, R-3026/1) 
Р3026-1 is designedto be used as avariableresistance inDC measurements. Which provides installation of resistance values with the help of  7 decadal switches from 0.01 ohm to 111111.1 ohm.
Accuracy class: 0.002
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    Measure of electrical resistance of the DC multivalued (R 3026/2, R-3026/2)
    Предназначена для использования в качестве регулируемой меры сопротивления в цепях постоянного тока.
    Обеспечивает установку значений сопротивлений с помощью 7 декадных переключателей от 0,01 Ом до 111111,1 Ом.
    Класс точности 0,005
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Unambiguous measure of electrical resistance (UMER) R3030 (R 3030, R-3030)

It is used as a precision resistor embedded in the devices and measuring systems, work and exemplary measures electrical resistance. Operates in DC and AC operated in air. Withstand short-term thermal shocks from -20 ° to +50 ° C.
The nominal value of resistance:
Class of accuracy:
0.01: 1 ohm, 10 ohm, 10 2 ohms, 10, 3 ohms, 10, 4 Ohms, 10 5 ohms
0,005: 1 ohm, 10 ohm, 10 2 ohms, 10, 3 ohms, 10, 4 Ohms, 10 5 ohms
0,002: 1 ohm, 10 ohm, 10 2 ohms, 10, 3 ohms, 10, 4 Ohms, 10 5 ohms
0.0005: 1 ohm, 10 ohm, 10 2 ohms, 10, 3 ohms, 10, 4 ohms, 10 5 ohms
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    Unique measure the electrical resistance R3031 (R-3031, R 3031, p3031, p-3031, p 3031)
    Used as:
    - a reference resistor;
    - working, model and standard measure of electrical resistance,
    - precision shunt.
    Used as working, reference model and measure the electrical resistance;
    The nominal value of resistance:
    Class of accuracy:
    0,01: 0,001 Ohm; 0,01 Ohm; 0,1 Ohm.
    0,02: 0,001 Ohm; 0,01 Ohm; 0,1 Ohm.
    0,002: 0,001 Ohm; 0,01 Ohm; 0,1 Ohm.
    0,001: 0,001 Ohm; 0,01 Ohm; 0,1 Ohm.
    0,0005: 0,001 Ohm; 0,01 Ohm; 0,1 Ohm.
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    Прецизионный измерительный резистор Р3031/1Б (Р-3031/1Б, Р 3031/1Б)
    Используется в качестве:
    - опорного резистора;
     - рабочей, образцовой и эталонной меры электрического сопротивления;
     - прецизионного шунта;
    Классы точности - 0,0005, 0,001, 0,002, 0,02;
    Номинальное значение сопротивления - 0,001 Ом, 0,01 Ом, 0,1 Ом.
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Р3031/2 мера электрического сопротивления однозначная предназначена для проведения измерений с высокой степенью точности.

Класс точности - 0,01; 0,002; 0,001; 0,0005.

Номинальное значение сопротивления - 0,1 Ом; 0,01 Ом; 0,001 Ом.

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R3045 measurer of electrical resistance intended for use in DC as a multi-valued measures.

On the front wall panel R3045 located digital control device and patchbays.

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R310 (P310)

Electrical resistance coil R310 (R 310, R-310)


Represents an exemplaryresistance standard and is designed for testing and fitting working resistance coils in DC circuits, as well as exemplary and working (laboratory) measuring devices.
Nominal resistance 0.001 Ohm; 0.01 Ohm
Accuracy class 0.01-0.02


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Р314 магазин сопротивлений штепсельный предназначается для включения в различные электрические схемы в случаях, когда требуется ввести сопротивление определенного значения.

Номинальное сопротивление - от 0,1 Ом до 100 кОм.

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R32 (P32)

R32 store resistance lever is intended for inclusion in the DC circuit.

The number of decades - 4.

Accuracy class - 0.2.

Maximum resistance - 10 kOhm.

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Electrical coil resistance R321 (R 321, R-321)
It is a measure of a model of resistance and is designed to test and fit in DC operating coils of resistance, as well as model and work (laboratory) instrumentation.
Nominal resistance of 0.1 ohm, 1 ohm, 10 ohm

Accuracy class 0.01
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Resistor measuring R322 (R-322, R 322)
It is intended for testing and adjusting shunt resistance and operating measures, verification of electrical appliances in the bridge and potentiometer circuits DC;
Resistance - 0,001 ohms;
Accuracy class - 0.02.
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Measuring resistor R323 (R-323, R 323)
It is intended for testing and adjusting shunt resistance and operating measures, verification of electrical appliances in the bridge and potentiometer circuits DC;
Resistance - 0.0001 Ohms
Accuracy class - 0.05.
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Measuring resistor R324 (R-324, R 324)
It is intended for testing and adjusting shunt resistance and operating measures, verification of electrical appliances in the bridge and potentiometer circuits DC;
Resistance - 1 ohm;
Accuracy class - 0,002.
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Resistor R326 shestidekadny lever (R-326, R 326)
Intended for inclusion in the scheme of direct current;
Nominal impedance of one stage:
- The highest of the decade - 10,000 ohms;
- The lowest of the decade - 0.1 ohms;
Accuracy class - 0.02, 0.05.
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Shop resistance R327 (R-327, P 327, p327, p 327, p-327)
Designed for use in DC as a variable measure of electrical resistance.
Accuracy class 0,01 / 1,5 x10-6. The shop has six decades of the 10 x (10,000 + 1,000 + 100 + 10 + 1 + 0.1) ohms. The nominal power level (with a resistance of from 1 to 104 ohms) - 0.1 Tues

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Shop resistance measuring R33 (R-33, R 33)
It is used as a measure DC resistance and enables the production of resistance of 0.1 ohms to 99999.9 ohms.
Accuracy Class 0.2 / 6 • 10 -6.

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R331 electrical coil resistance (R 331, R-331)

Representing an exemplary measure of resistance and is designed to test and fit in DC operating coils of resistance, as well as model and work (laboratory) instrumentation.
Rated impedance 00 ohms 1, 1000 ohms 10,000 ohms 100,000 ohms
Accuracy class 0.01
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Resistor R34 odnodekadny lever (R-34, R 34)
Intended for inclusion in the scheme of direct current;
Resistance - 0 ohms-900 ohms in steps of 100 W, 0 ohms 9000 ohms in steps of 1000 ohm 0 ohm-90000 ohms in steps of 10,000 ohms;
Accuracy class - 0.1.
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Resistor measuring R361 (R-361, R 361)
It is intended for testing and adjusting shunt resistance and operating measures, verification of electrical appliances in the bridge and potentiometer circuits DC;
Resistance - 1 ohm, 10 ohm, 100 ohm 1000 ohms, 10,000 ohms, 100,000 ohms;
Accuracy class - 0.02.
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Shop R400 measuring resistance decade (R-400, R 400)
Intended for inclusion in the scheme of direct current;
Nominal impedance - 10x100 Ohm
Accuracy class - 0.02.
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Store resistors R4001 (R 4001, R-4001, p4001, p 4001, p-4001)

To work as a measure of the electrical resistance of accuracy class 0.1 in DC and AC.
Nominal resistance levels: April 10 ohms, May 10 ohms, 10 6 ohms.
Number of decades: 3.
Power rating by one notch (if the resistance on April 10 or May 10 Ohm): 0.05 watts.
Accuracy class: 0.1
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Shop R4002 resistance measurement (R -4002, R 4002, p4002, p 4002, p-4002)

It is intended for use as a multi-valued measure of electrical resistance (MMES) in DC.
Nominal impedance 107Ohm, 106Ohm, 105Ohm, 104Ohm
Number of decades: 4
Nominal and maximum power dissipation of one grade (the resistance of 5 ohms to 10), W: 0.05
Accuracy class: 0.05
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Decade resistance measurement R4003 (R-4003, R 4003)
Designed for DC or high impedance voltage divider;
Resistance - 10h0, 1 MW;
Accuracy class - 0.05.
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Decade resistance measurement R4004 (R-4004, R 4004)
Designed for DC or high impedance voltage divider;
Resistance - 10x1 MW;
Accuracy class - 0.05.
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Decade resistance measurement R4005 (R-4005, R 4005)
Designed for DC or high impedance voltage divider;
Resistance - 10x10 MW;
Accuracy class - 0.05.
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    R4007 resistance box measurement is used as a measure of resistance in DC circuits.
    Accuracy class - 0.02.
    Nominal value - 10 ohms.
    The number of decades - 1.
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Electrical coil resistance measuring R401 (R 401, R 401, p401, p-401, p 401)

Applicable as a measure of electrical resistance in DC and AC.
Nominal Impedance, Ohm 106
Accuracy class 0.05
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Electrical coil resistance measuring R4010 (R 4010, R-4010, p4010, p-4010, p 4010)

It is used as a measure of electrical resistance in DC and AC.
Rated resistance in Ohm: 106
Accuracy class: 0.02
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Resistance box R40101 (R 40101, R-40101, p40101, p-40101, p 40101)

It is intended for use as a multi-valued measures electrical resistance in DC and AC currents.
The nominal value of resistivity of 104Ohm; 105Ohm; 106Ohm
The nominal value of power dissipation by one notch the decade "x10 4 ohms," "× 10 5 ohm", not more than 0.03
Number 3 decades
Accuracy class 0.05
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Resistance box R40102 (R 40102, R-40102, p40102, p-40102, p 40102)

It is intended for use as a multi-valued measures electrical resistance in DC circuits.
The nominal value of resistivity of 104Ohm; 105Ohm; 106Ohm; 107Ohm
The nominal value of power dissipation by one notch the decade "x10 4 ohms," "× 10 5 ohm" is not more than 0.05 W
Number 4 decades
Accuracy class 0.02
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Resistance box R4010 3 (R 40103, R-40103, p40103, p-40103, p 40103)

It is intended for use as a multi-valued measures electrical resistance in DC circuits.
The nominal value of one stage of resistance 10 9 Ohms
Number of decades 1
Accuracy class 0.1
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Resistance Box R40104 (R 40104, R-40104)
    Designed for use as multi-valued electrical resistance measure in DC circuits.
   Nominal resistance value 107Ohm, 108Ohm
   Quantity of decades 2
   Accuracy class 0.05; 0.1
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Store R40105 electrical resistance (R 40105, R-40105, p40105, p 40105, p-40105)


It is intended for use as a multi-valued measures electrical resistance in DC circuits.
The nominal value of resistivity of 10 5Ohm, 10 6Ohm
Accuracy class of 0.02.


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Store R40106 electrical resistance (R 40106, R-40106, p40106, p 40106, p-40106)
It is intended for use as a multi-valued measures electrical resistance in DC circuits.
The nominal value of resistivity of 106Ohm; 107Ohm
Dimensions 215x140x280mm.
Accuracy class of 0.02.

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Store R40107 electrical resistance (R 40107, R-40107, p40107, p 40107, p-40107)
It is intended for use as a multi-valued measures electrical resistance in DC circuits.
The nominal value of the resistance 107Ohm; 108Ohm
Dimensions 215x140x280mm.
Accuracy class of 0.02.

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Store R40108 electrical resistance (R 40108, R-40108, p40108, p 40108, p-40108)
It is intended for use as a multi-valued measures electrical resistance in DC circuits.
The nominal value of resistivity of 105Ohm; 106Ohm, 107Ohm; 108Ohm
Dimensions 325x140x280mm.
Accuracy class of 0.02.

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    Катушка электрического сопротивления Р4011 измерительная (Р 4011, Р-4011, p4011, p-4011, p 4011)

    Применяется в качестве мер электрического сопротивления в цепях постоянного и переменного тока.
    Номинальное сопротивление, Ом: 106
    Класс точности: 0,01
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Measure of resistance R40111 (R 40111, R-40111, p40111, p 40111, p-40111)
It is intended: to transmit electrical resistance values ​​of exemplary steps in R40111 measuring DC circuits by parallel-to-serial shift stages (MPES), for use as a multi-valued electrical resistance measures R40111 (MMES) - a measuring circuit DC.
Nominal impedance measures 105Ohm
Dimensions 215x132x255mm.
Accuracy class 0.01-0.02.

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Measure of resistance R40112 (R 40112, R-40112, p40112, p 40112, p-40112)
It is intended: to transmit electrical resistance values ​​of exemplary steps in R40112 measuring DC circuits by parallel-to-serial shift stages (MPES), for use as a multi-valued electrical resistance measures R40112 (MMES) - a measuring circuit DC.
The nominal value of resistivity of 10 6Ohms
Dimensions 215x132x255mm.
Accuracy class 0.01-0.02.

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Resistance standard R40113 (R 40113, R-40113)
     Designed: to transfer electrical resistance values from standard R40113 in measuring DC currents through parallel-consistent switching of stages (MPEC); for use as multi-valued electrical resistance standard R40113 (MMEC) - in measuring DC circuits.
     Nominal resistance value
     Dimensions 215x132x255mm.
     Accuracy class 0.01 - 0.02.
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Resistance standard R40114 (R 40114, R-40114)
Device is designed to transfer of electrical resistance values from standard R40114 in measuring DC currents through parallel-consistent switching of stages (MPEC); for use as multi-valued electrical resistance standard R40114 (MMEC) - in measuring DC circuits.
Nominal resistance value
Dimensions 215x132x255mm.
Accuracy class 0.02.
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    Мера сопротивления Р40115 (Р 40115, Р-40115, p40115, p 40115, p-40115)
    Предназначена: для передачи значений электрического сопротивления от образцовых мер Р40115 в измерительных цепях постоянного тока путем параллельно-последовательного переключения ступеней (МПЭС); для использования в качестве многозначных мер Р40115 электрического сопротивления (ММЭС) - в измерительных цепях постоянного тока.
    Номинальное значение сопротивления 109Ом
    Габариты 215х132х255мм.
    Класс точности 0,05.

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    Мера-имитатор Р40116 (Р-40116, Р 40116, p40116, p40116, p-40116)
    Для воспроизведения электрического сопротивления постоянному току в диапазоне 104 - 109 Ом при двухзажимном включении и 1,05.109-1,00.1012 Ом при трехзажимном включении при проведении измерительных и поверочных работ.
Число декад - 9.
    Предел допускаемого значения основной погреш­ности меры δ, %: от ±0,1 до ±0,05%
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Р40116М мера-имитатор предназначена для воспроизведения электрического сопротивления постоянному току в диапазоне от 10 кОм до 0,999 ТОм при проведении измерительных и поверочных работ.

Число декад - 8.

Номинальное сопротивление одной ступени:

- в диапазоне от 104 Ом до 109 Ом (двухзажимное включение) - 104 Ом; 105 Ом; 106 Ом; 107 Ом; 108 Ом;

- в диапазоне от 109 Ом до 0,999·1012 Ом (трехзажимное включение) - 109 Ом; 1010 Ом; 1011 Ом.

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Р4012 катушка электрического сопротивления измерительная предназначена для работы в цепях постоянного и переменного тока в качестве мер электрического сопротивления.

Класс точности - 0,02.

Номинальное сопротивления - 10 МОм.

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Coil of electrical resistance measurement R4013 (R 4013, R-4013, p4013, p 4013, p-4013)
It is intended for use as a single-valued measures electrical resistance (OMES) in DC.
Accuracy class 0,005
Nominal impedance 10 6 Ohm
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    Мера сопротивления Р4015 (Р 4015, Р-4015, p4015, p 4015, p-4015)
    Предназначена для работы в цепях постоянного и переменного токов в качестве образцовых и рабочих мер электрического сопротивления.
    Номинальное сопротивление 105Ом
    Класс точности 0,005
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Measure resistance R4016 (R 4016, R-4016, p 4016, p4016, p-4016)

Desined to work in DC and AC currents as model workers and measures electrical resistance.
Nominal impedance 10 6 Ohms
Accuracy class 0,005
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Measure of resistance R4017 (R 4017, R-4017, p4017, p4017, p-40177)

Desined to work in DC and AC currents as model workers and measures electrical resistance.
Nominal impedance 107 Ohm
Accuracy class 0,005
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Measure of resistance R4018 (R 4018, R-4018, p 4018, p4018, p-4018)
Desined to work in DC and AC currents as model workers and measures electrical resistance.
Nominal impedance 10 8 ohm
Accuracy class 0,005

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Coil of electrical resistance measurement R402 (R 402, R 402, p402, p-402, p 402)

Desined as a measure of electrical resistance in DC and AC.
Rated resistance in Ohm: 107
Accuracy class: 0.05
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Coil of electrical resistance measurement R4020 (R 4020, R-4020, p4020, p-4020, p 4020)

It is used as a measure of electrical resistance in DC and AC.
Rated resistance in Ohm: 107
Accuracy class: 0.02
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Coil of electrical resistance measuring R4021 (R 4021, R-4021, p4021, p-4021, p 4021)

It is used as a measure of electrical resistance in DC and AC.
Rated resistance in Ohm: 107
Accuracy class: 0.01
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Р4022 катушка сопротивления предназначена для работы в цепях постоянного и переменного тока в качестве меры электрического сопротивления.

Номинальное сопротивление - 107 Ом.

Класс точности - 0,02.

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Coil resistance measurement R4023 (R 4023, R-4023, p4023, p 4023, p-4023)
It is intended for use as a single-valued measures electrical resistance (OMES) in DC.
Nominal impedance 107 Ohm
Accuracy class 0,005

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Measuring a resistance R403 (R-403, R 403, p403, p 403, p-403)

Designed to work in DC as a measure of electrical resistance and represent a decade of the flying resistors with a fork switching device.

Nominal impedance 10x0,1M.

Accuracy class of 0.05.
Power rating by one level of 0.05 watts.
Dimensions: 205h205h180 mm.
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R4030 electrical resistance coil (R 4030, R-4030, p4030, p 4030, p-4030)

Designed to work in DC as a measure of resistance.
Accuracy class of 0.02.
Nominal impedance 109 ohms.
Dimensions Ø 120x280mm.
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Single-valued electrical resistance standard R4030M1 (R-4030-M1, R 4030 M1, R4030-M1, R4030 M1, R-4030M1, R 4030M1)
Is designed to be used as an electrical resistance exemplary standard in measuring dc circuits.
Nominal resistance - 10 9 ohms;
Accuracy class - 0.01;
- Nominal - 1000V;
- Maximum - 2000V.
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Coil resistance measurement R4033 (R 4033, R-4033, p4033, p 4033, p-4033)
It is intended for use as a single-valued measures electrical resistance (OMES) in DC.
Nominal impedance 108 Ohm
Accuracy class 0,005

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A resistance decade box measuring R404 (R-404, R 404)
Intended for inclusion in the scheme of direct current;
Nominal impedance - 10x1 Ohm
Accuracy class - 0.05.
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Shop resistance R4041 (R-4041, R 4041, p4041, p-4041, p 4041)
Designed for use as a multi-valued measure of electrical resistance in DC circuits;
The nominal value of the resistance levels - 10 8 ohms, 10 7 ohms;
Accuracy classes of measures - 0.1, 0.05;
The limiting value of power dissipation at a stage of the decade:
- "X 10 7" - 3.0 ohms;
- "X10 8" - 3.0 ohms;
- "X 10 9" - 3.0 ohms.
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Store R4041M resistance measurement (R 4041M, R-4041M, p4041m, p 4041m, p-4041m)

It is intended for use as a multi-valued measure of electrical resistance (MMES) in DC.
Nominal impedance 107 Ohm
Rated and maximum voltage at the store 3kV
Number of decades 1
Accuracy class 0.05
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Shop resistance R4042 (R-4042, R 4042)
Accuracy Class - 0.05;
Nominal resistance levels decades - 10 4 ohm, 10 5 ohms, 10 6 Ohm, 10 7 ohms;
Number of decades - 4.
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Store R4042M measuring resistance (R 4042M, R-4042M, p4042m, p 4042m, p-4042m)

It is intended for use as a multi-valued measure of electrical resistance (MMES) in DC.
Nominal impedance 108 ohm
Rated and maximum voltage at 3 kV store.
Number of decades 1
Accuracy class 0.1
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Shop resistance R4043 (R-4043, R 4043, p4043, p-4043, p 4043)
Designed for use as a multi-valued measure of electrical resistance in DC circuits;
The nominal value of the resistance levels - 10 8 ohms, 10 7 ohms;
Accuracy classes of measures - 0.1, 0.05;
The limiting value of power dissipation at a stage of the decade:
- "X 10 7" - 3.0 ohms;
- "X10 8" - 3.0 ohms;
- "X 10 9" - 3.0 ohms.
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Store R4047 measuring resistance (R 4047, R-4047, p4047, p-4047, p 4047)

It is used as a measure of electrical resistance in DC circuits.

Accuracy class - 0.02.

Number of decades - 1.
Number of steps - 10.
Nominal impedance of one stage is 106 ohms.
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A resistance decade box measuring R405 (R-405, R 405)
Intended for inclusion in the scheme of direct current;
Nominal impedance - 10x10 Ohm
Accuracy class - 0.05.
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Store R4057 measuring resistance (R 4057, R-4057, p4057, p-4057, p 4057)

It is used as a measure of electrical resistance in DC circuits.
Accuracy class - 0.02.
Number of decades - 1.
Number of steps - 10.

Nominal impedance is one step - 107 ohms.

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Coil of electrical resistance measurement R406 (R 406, R 406, p406, p-406, p 406)

Applies as a measure of electrical resistance in DC circuits.
Rated resistance in Ohm: 108
Accuracy class: 0.02
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Coil of electrical resistance measurement R4061 (R 4061, R-4061, p4061, p-4061, p 4061)

It is used as a measure of electrical resistance in DC and AC.
Rated resistance in Ohm: 108
Accuracy class: 0.01
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Shop resistance R4063 (R-4063, R 4063, p4063, p-4063, p 4063)
Designed to transmit the values ​​of the electrical resistance of the model measures in measuring dc circuits (PM), for use as a multi-valued measures (MM) resistance;
The nominal value of the resistance measures (PM):
- When connected in parallel - 10 4 ohms;
- A series connection - 10 6 Ohm
The nominal value of the resistance of a single stage - 10 5 ohms;
Accuracy classes of measures:
- For the PM - 0.01;
- For the MM - 0.02.
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Shop resistance R4064 (R-4064, R 4064, p4064, p-4064, p 4064)
Designed to transmit the values ​​of the electrical resistance of the model measures in measuring dc circuits (PM), for use as a multi-valued measures (MM) resistance;
The nominal value of the resistance measures (PM):
- When connected in parallel - 10 5 ohms;
- A series connection - 10 7 ohms;
The nominal value of the resistance of a single stage - 10 6 Ohm
Accuracy classes of measures:
- For the PM - 0.01;
- For the MM - 0.02.
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Shop resistance R4065 (R-4065, R 4065, p4065, p-4065, p 4065)
Designed to transmit the values ​​of the electrical resistance of the model measures in measuring dc circuits (PM), for use as a multi-valued measures (MM) resistance;
The nominal value of the resistance measures (PM):
- When connected in parallel - 10 6 Ohm
- A series connection - 10 8 ohms;
The nominal value of the resistance of a single stage - 10 7 ohms;
Accuracy classes of measures:
- For the PM - 0.01;
- For the MM - 0.02.
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Shop resistance R4066 (R-4066, R 4066, p4066, p-4066, p 4066)
Designed to transmit the values ​​of the electrical resistance of the model measures in measuring dc circuits (PM), for use as a multi-valued measures (MM) resistance;
The nominal value of the resistance measures (PM):
- When connected in parallel - 10 7 ohms;
- A series connection - 10 9 ohms;
The nominal value of the resistance of a single stage - 10 8 ohms;
Accuracy classes of measures:
- For the PM - 0.02;
- For the MM - 0.02.
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    Electrical resistance transitional standard R4067 (R-4067, R 4067)
    Accuracy Class - 0.05;
    Nominal impedance - 108 ohms, 1010 ohms.
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A resistance decade box measuring R407 (R-407, R 407)
Intended for inclusion in the scheme of direct current;
Nominal impedance - 10h1000 MW;
Accuracy class - 0.1.
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Р4071 магазин сопротивления предназначен для применения в цепях постоянного тока в качестве переменной меры электрического сопротивления.

Класс точности - 0,05.

Диапазон регулируемых сопротивлений - от 1 МОм до 10 МОм.

Номинальное напряжение - 300 В.

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R4073 Top of resistance (R-4073, R 4073)
Designed for use as a multi-valued measure of electrical resistance in DC circuits;
The nominal value of the resistance steps- 10 8 ohms;
Class of accuracy - 0.05.
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Store R4075 resistance measuring cold tolerant (R 4075, R-4075, p4075, p 4075, p-4075)

It is intended for use as a measure of electrical resistance in DC in the range of ambient temperatures from 15 to 30 ° C at a relative humidity of 80%.
Number of steps in the decade 10
Nominal impedance 105 ohms
Accuracy class 0.02
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Store R4076 resistance measuring cold tolerant (R 4076, R-4076, p4076, p 4076, p-4076)

It is intended for use as a measure of electrical resistance in DC in the range of ambient temperatures from 15 to 30 ° C at a relative humidity of 80%.
Number of steps in the decade 10
Nominal resistance levels shop 106 Ohm
Accuracy class 0.02
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Store R4077 resistance measuring cold tolerant (R 4077, R-4077, p4077, p 4077, p-4077)

It is intended for use as a measure of electrical resistance in DC in the range of ambient temperatures from 15 to 30 ° C at a relative humidity of 80%.
Nominal impedance 107 Ohm
Accuracy class 0.02
Number of steps in the decade 10
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Store R4078 resistance measuring cold tolerant (R 4078, R-4078, p4078, p 4078, p-4078)
It is intended for use as a measure of electrical resistance in DC in the range of ambient temperatures from 15 to 30 ° C at a relative humidity of 80%.
Nominal impedance 108 ohm

Accuracy class 0.02
Number of steps in the decade 10
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Shop resistance R4080 (R-4080, R 4080, p4080, p-4080, p 4080)
Designed to transmit the values ​​of the electrical resistance of the model measures in measuring dc circuits (PM), for use as a multi-valued measures (MM) resistance;
The nominal value of the resistance measures (PM):
- When connected in parallel - 10 4 ohms;
- A series connection - 10 6 Ohm
The nominal value of the resistance of a single stage - 10 5 ohms;
Accuracy classes of measures:
- For the PM - 0.01;
- For the MM - 0.02.
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Shop resistance R4081 (R-4081, R 4081, p4081, p-4081, p 4081)
Designed to transmit the values ​​of the electrical resistance of the model measures in measuring dc circuits (PM), for use as a multi-valued measures (MM) resistance;
The nominal value of the resistance measures (PM):
- When connected in parallel - 10 5 ohms;
- A series connection - 10 7 ohms;
The nominal value of the resistance of a single stage - 10 6 Ohm
Accuracy classes of measures:
- For the PM - 0.01;
- For the MM - 0.02.
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Shop resistance R4082 (R-4082, R 4082, p4082, p-4082, p 4082)
Designed to transmit the values ​​of the electrical resistance of the model measures in measuring dc circuits (PM), for use as a multi-valued measures (MM) resistance;
The nominal value of the resistance measures (PM):
- When connected in parallel - 10 6 Ohm
- A series connection - 10 8 ohms;
The nominal value of the resistance of a single stage - 10 7 ohms;
Accuracy classes of measures:
- For the PM - 0.01;
- For the MM - 0.02.
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Shop resistance R4083 (R-4083, R 4083, p4083, p-4083, p 4083)
Designed to transmit the values ​​of the electrical resistance of the model measures in measuring dc circuits (PM), for use as a multi-valued measures (MM) resistance;
The nominal value of the resistance measures (PM):
- When connected in parallel - 10 7 ohms;
- A series connection - 10 9 ohms;
The nominal value of the resistance of a single stage - 10 8 ohms;
Accuracy classes of measures:
- For the PM - 0.02;
- For the MM - 0.02.
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Measure-imitator R4085 (R-4085, R 4085, p4085, p4-085, p 4085)

Designed for complex verification of high impedance bridge DC at an ambient temperature of 15 to 30 ° C for resistance 1 G W, 10 to 35 ° C for resistance 10 G W, 100 G, 1000GOm.
The basic error: 0.05 to 0.2%.
Resistance: 1 G W, 10 G W, 100 G, 1000 G W
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Standard-imitator R4085-M1 (R4085M1, R-4085-M1, R4085M1)
Accuracy class - 0.05-0.2;
Nominal Impedance - 1 GOhm-1000 GOhm.
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Store of resistance R4830/1 (R 4830/1, R-4830/1, p4830/1, p 4830/1, p-4830/1)
Designed to work in DC and AC frequency up to 50 kHz, as a measure of electrical resistance.
Resistance range from 0.01 Ohm to 12222.21 Ohm
Size not more 490x135x365mm.
Accuracy class 0,05/2,5 • 10 -5

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Store of resistance R4830/2 (R 4830/2, R-4830/2, p4830 / 2, p 4830/2, p-4830/2)
Designed to operate in DC and AC frequency up to 50 kHz, as a measure of electrical resistance.
Resistance range from 0.1 Ohm to 122,222.1 Ohm
Size not more 490x135x365mm.
Accuracy class 0.05/2.5 x 10 -6

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    Магазин сопротивления Р4830/3 (Р 4830/3, Р-4830/3, p4830/3, p 4830/3, p-4830/3)
    Предназначен для работы в цепях постоянного и переменного тока частотой до 50 kHz в качестве меры электрического сопротивления.
    Диапазон сопротивления от 1,0 Ом до 1222221 Ом
    Габариты не  более 490х135х365мм.
    Класс точности 0,05/2,5·10-7

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Store resistance R4831 (R 4831, R-4831, p4831, p 4831, p-4831)

Designed to operate in DC as multivalued measures electrical resistance (MMES), as well as transition Two decade measure electrical resistance (MES Two decade) for measuring the resistance by substitution.
Display range as a measure of electrical resistance of 0.021 Ohm-111111, 1 Ohm
Rated power 0,001 W for decades 0.01 ohm, 0.01 W for the decade of 0.1 ohm, 0.05 W for decades 1 ohm or higher.
Accuracy class 0.02
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Device R4833 (R 4833, R-4833, p4833, p-4833, p 4833)
This device is designed to measure resistance, constant e.m.f. , voltage and calibration of thermotechnical devices.
Measuring range: bridge - from 10-4 Ohm to 106 Ohm, potentiometer - from 0 to 111.10 mV, resistance box from initial (≤ 0.015 Ohm) to 1111.10 Ohm.
Accuracy class: DC box 0.1; DC potentiometer 0.05; ; resistance box 0.02 / 1.5 • 10-4
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Store resistance R4834 (R 4834, R-4834, p4834, p 4834, p-4834)
It is intended for use as a multi-valued measure of electrical resistance (MMES) in DC and AC.
The nominal value of one stage of resistance
senior decade 105 Ohm
decade younger 10-2 Ohm
Accuracy class 0,02/2,5 • 10-7.

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Р5018 магазин предназначен для поверки трансформаторов тока на дифференциальных аппаратах в цепях переменного тока.

Номинальное значение:

- тока - 1 А; 5 А;

- коэффициента мощности - 0,8; 1;

- вторичной нагрузки - от 1 В∙А до 50 В∙А.

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Store R517M resistance lever (R-517M, R 517M)
Intended for inclusion in the scheme of AC and DC at up to 5000Hz;
Nominal impedance - 0.03 ohm-12222, 21 ohms in steps of 0.01 ohm;
Accuracy class - 0.05.
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Resistor R58 plug (R-58, R 58)
Intended for inclusion in the scheme of AC and DC at up to 5000Hz;
Nominal impedance - 0.1 ohm-ohm 111 111 steps of 0.1 ohms;
Accuracy class - 0.1.
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Leading online store Zapadpribor - a huge selection of measuring equipment for the best value and quality. So you can buy inexpensive devices, we monitor competitors' prices and are always ready to offer a lower price. We only sell quality products at the best prices. On our site you can buy cheaply as the latest innovations and proven equipment from the best manufacturers.

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Online store Zapadpribor - the official manufacturer's dealer test equipment. Our goal - selling high quality goods with best price offer and service to our customers. Our store can not only sell you the necessary instrument, but also offer additional services to its calibration, repair and installation. That you have a pleasant experience when shopping on our site, we have provided special gifts guaranteed to the most popular products.


We offer fast international shipping to almost every country in the world: Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Albania, Algeria, Anguilla, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba,  Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bahrain, Belize, Belgium, Benin, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Bonaire, Sint-E. and Saba, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Bhutan, VietNam, Vanuatu, Vatican City, Venezuela, Armenia, Gabon, Guyana, Haiti, Gamia, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Gibraltar, Honduras, Hong Kong, Grenada, Greenland, Greece, Georgia, Denmark, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Jersey, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Eswatine, Estonia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Jordan Indonesia, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Cape Verde, Kazakhstan, Cayman Islands, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Qatar, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, China, Cyprus, Kiribati, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Korea (Rep.), Costa Rica, Kot-d'Ivoire, Cuba, Kuwait, Curacao, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Lithuania, Liberia, Lebanon, Libya, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Myanmar, Mauritius, Mauritania, Madagascar, Macao, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Maldives, Malta, Morocco, Mexico, Mozambique, Moldova, Monaco, Monaco, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Netherlands, Germany, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Norway, UAE, Oman, Cook Islands, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, South Africa, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Chad, Rwanda, Romania, El Salvador, Samoa, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Swaziland, Seychelles, Senegal, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Serbia, Singapore, Sint Maarten, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Sudan, Suriname, East Timor (Timor-Leste), USA, Sierra Leone, Tajikistan, Taiwan, Thailand, Tanzania (United Republic of), Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Hungary, Uzbekistan, Uruguay, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Philippines, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Croatia, Central African Republic, Czech Republic, Chile, Montenegro, Switzerland, Sweden, Sri Lanka, Jamaica, Japan.

We also provide such metrological procedure: calibration, tare, graduated, testing of measuring instruments.

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If there is no site in the descriptive information you need on the device you can always turn to us for help. Our qualified managers will update for you on the technical characteristics of the device from its technical documentation: user manual, certificate, form, operating instructions, diagram. If necessary, we will take a photo of your device, or a device stand. You can leave feedback on the unit purchased from us, the meter, the device, indicator, or product. Your review for your approval will be published on the site without contact information.


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While the need to clarify the overall weight and size or the size of the individual meter you can in our service center. If you need our engineers will help you choose the most complete analog or a suitable replacement for the device you are interested. All counterparts and replacement will be tested in one of our laboratories with the full compliance to your requirements.

In the technical documentation for each device or product, information is provided on the list and amount of precious metals content. The documentation gives the exact weight in grams of precious metals: Au gold, palladium Pd, platinum Pt, silver Ag, tantalum Ta and other platinum group metals (PGM) per unit item. These precious metals are found in nature in very limited quantities and therefore have such a high price.

On our website you can familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of devices and obtain information on the content of precious metals in devices and radio components manufactured in the USSR. We draw your attention to the fact that often the actual content of precious metals differs by 10-25% from the reference one in a smaller direction! The price of precious metals will depend on their value and mass in grams.

All text and graphic information on the site is informative. The color, shade, material, geometric dimensions, weight, content, delivery set and other parameters of the goods presented on the site may vary depending on the batch of production and year of manufacture. Check with the sales department for more information.


If you can make repairs to the device yourself, our engineers can provide you with a complete set of necessary technical documentation: circuit diagram TO, ER, FD, PS. We also have an extensive database of technical and metrological documents: technical specifications (TS), the terms of reference (TOR), GOST (DSTU), the industry standard (OST) test procedure, the method of certification, verification scheme for more than 3,500 types of measuring equipment from the manufacturer this equipment. From the site you can download all the necessary software (the software driver) is required for the product purchased.

We carries out repairs and maintenance of measuring equipment in more than 75 different factories of the former Soviet Union and CIS.

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